HappyMe Your happiness journey begins today.

HappyMe is a happiness training app, which provides daily tasks, journaling, lessons and weekly check-ins to instill positive habits.

  • Do you feel like something is missing in your life?
  • Would you like to feel happier and more confident?
  • Are you feeling lost, not sure of who you are?
  • Are you ready for a daily helper to make these things a reality for you?

Then HappyMe is the app for you. Begin your journey to a new you today...

HappyMe Mobile App
Melanie Drameh - HappyMe Founder

Welcome to HappyMe

As a professional trauma therapist specialising in the treatment of anxiety and depression, I find myself working around the clock to see as many clients as possible, yet feel a sense of helplessness due to the number of people who need my time and cannot get access to the help they want.

I thought, there must be a way that I can help more people to find their own happiness and at least alleviate some of their suffering.

And that was the trigger for developing HappyMe - an app I've developed containing all the tasks and exercises I use with my face-to-face clients

There are plenty of apps to help improve your physical well-being and many to help with meditation and mindfulness - but few of these seem to be effective at instilling new positive habits that have a direct impact on improving your happiness.

The goal behind the HappyMe app is to combine effective content with regularity in the development of positive habits which will drive meaningful changes to your life.

- Melanie Drameh

Founder of HappyMe & AchieveHappiness.co.uk Practice Owner


Packed full of content; daily tasks, journal, lessons, pathways. There are lots of features to improve your state of happiness and instill positive habits.

Daily Journal - Journaling

Daily Journal

Journaling is a versatile tool that can help you gain clarity, improve emotional well-being, stay motivated, and track your personal growth. It's a simple yet effective practice that can guide you towards a happier and more fulfilled version of yourself

Daily Happy-Hacks

Daily Happy-Hacks

Each day, you'll participate in a series of carefully designed tasks that are created to improve your well-being, rewire your brain for positive habits, and ultimately lead you to a happier and more fulfilled life.



Our Lessons are meticulously crafted to help you understand the inner workings of your mind. By gaining this knowledge, you'll be better equipped to assess situations, people, and your reactions to them in a more calmer and controlled manner.



We have designed specific pathways to address common issues like anxiety or sleep difficulties. Pathways consist of a curated series of lessons, tools, and audio resources to assist you in your chosen area.

Weekly Check-in

Weekly Check-in

Weekly Check-ins help track your progress; each week you can start a new checkin and see how you are progressing on the points chart.

Your Data is Secure

Safe & Secure

The security of your data is paramount and has been factored into the design of the app. All content you enter is encrypted end to end, assuring the protection of your privacy. We encrypt all your data before securely storing it, so only you can access your data.

Benefits of using HappyMe

Make Positive Changes to your behaviour

Make positive changes to your behaviour

Learn how to control your thoughts, identify negativity and change those thoughts before they affect your mood. Take control of your brain.

Treat mental health issues with behaviour changes, not by medication

Identify and treat the cause, rather than turning to medication.

All too common today, is to be prescribed medication to tackle mental health conditions. But the most effective treatments are tackling the root cause of the issues, not masking it with medication. HappyMe helps you gain a better understanding of how your brain works and how you can reprogram it to handle issues better.

Proactive Learning

Proactive Learning

HappyMe is a proactive learning tool, which provides activities to foster positive habits. The focus is to enable you to make small incremental changes to adopt positive and proactive habits.


See what our users are saying about HappyMe


I'm not sure where to start... you and HappyMe have been so impactful on my life. Thank you for creating an app that just reminds me every day to honour myself and all of the tips and tricks that I need to do to become the best version of me


HappyMe is simple and unbelievably effective. I can feel myself get better every day. I love my avatar too. I have found it easy to incorporate HappyMe into my daily life. Thank you!


I have used other wellness app's before but not found one that has everything in one place. I am loving the tasks and the fact that there are lessons for me to learn that help me to understand better who I am, and it makes dealing with people and life so much easier.


Oh my goodness. I love HappyMe. My husband even asks me to add things onto my goals list or my to do list so that he can remember too.


In just one month of using HappyMe, I've undergone a remarkable transformation. I'm now looking forward to my future with a renewed sense of purpose and a clearer understanding of my desires.


This app serves as a constant reminder of how important it is to treat myself kindly and offers practical guidance on achieving the mindset necessary to do so.


HappyMe has taught me the importance of self-worth, enabling me to seek out partners who truly deserve me, rather than settling for those who are inadequate but unlikely to leave.


I understand that personal growth is an ongoing journey, and HappyMe has given me hope that I'm on the right path. I am grateful to HappyMe for helping me become a better version of myself, and for filling me with optimism about the future.


HappyMe's tools have been invaluable in helping me navigate areas of my life where I once felt lost.

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